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Bail Bondsman in Miami, Frequently Asked Questions

Bail Bondsman in Miami, Frequently Asked Questions About Bail Bonds

It is common for people to not know what to expect regarding bail bonds until they or a loved one is arrested. As such, they often ask the same questions about bail, the bonding process, how to get in touch with a bail bondsman, and the associated costs. Here, we attempt to provide answers to FAQs for bail bonds.

How Does The Bail Bonds Process Work?

There is certain information that a bail agent will need in order to help you:

Where is the person in custody? (Make sure that you ask the person in custody where they are located including the city, state, and the name of jail).

What is the full name and booking number of person in jail? The bail agent will need this information in order to contact the jail. The bail agent can get the booking number for you if you forgot or if it was not available.

How much is the bail? The bail agent will get this information when they contact the jail if you do not have it. With the bail amount, the bail bondsman can tell you the amount it will cost to post a bond and requirements to get the person out of jail.

How Do I Get A Bail Bond?

There are four ways in which a person may be released from custody.

You can use a bondsman.

You can post cash for the full amount of the bond with the court or jail.

You can use real property (such as a home or a lot) with the court.

And lastly the judge can decide to let the defendant go on their own recognizance.

Can The Defendant Leave The State Or The Country While On Bond?

​You will have to get permission from the bonding office in writing before attempting to do so. If the court has given you direct instructions not to leave the state or country you must then get permission from the bail agent and the court before leaving. Otherwise you are subject to arrest.

Can The Defendant Leave The State Or The Country While On Bond?

The rate that you pay a bail agent depends on the state's statutes and regulations. For example, in some states, there are companies that can legally charge 8%, while the allowable premium is set at 10% for others. If a company that agrees to discount their fee, they may lose their license. Some companies try and lead you into believing that you will receive a discount but in the end actually charge you the whole amount. Always ask to see a rate chart if you feel that you are being wrongly charged.

What Happens If The Defendant Gets Re-Arrested While Out On Bond?

Once the defendant is back in custody the bond can be surrendered and your liability will be terminated. There are a few problems here: if you decided to surrender the bond you will lose the premium that was paid, and if you decided to get the defendant out on bond again, you will now have to post two new bonds and pay the premium on both bonds again.

For more detailed information regarding YOUR situation, contact our Top Rated Bail Bondsman in Miami office today > Ofc. 786-265-0813  |  Cell 786-547-0428



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